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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Freshmen at Large - Stephanie Hodges Pt. 4

Being a fairly new Aggie, it is sometimes hard to remember all the traditions that Texas A&M has to offer. There’s Silver Taps, howdys and wildcats, but after only a few short weeks, I think I’ve found my favorite: Midnight Yell.
Come on, what other school actually practices yelling the night before a game? Who actually interrupts their Friday night to go sing the Aggie War Hymn and mug down their date? Actually, the question is more like, “Who wouldn’t?” It’s one of those traditions that seems too ridiculous to actually follow, but too fun to pass up. The whole thing just seems so crazy: Corps guys pushing away, random people making out, lighters flaring up and random stories from the yell leaders that I never quite seem to understand. It’s one of those things that other schools would probably laugh at, because they either don’t understand it or are completely jealous. And who wouldn’t be?
OK, maybe I’m biased on the whole Midnight Yell thing, because I’ve only been twice, and both times, I had amazing seats. The first time, I was right behind the freshman Corps boys, (which may have been bad because this one boy basically massacred his date when the lights turned off, and I’m still a little scared) and the second time, I was on the field. Yes, on the field. Let me just say, for all of those people who say they don’t like Midnight Yell, it’s just because y’all haven’t been on the field. It was pretty much amazing because:
1. I got junior privileges
2. I got to see everyone doing the War Hymn
3. I was with a super hot Corps guy who basically owned everyone else in push-ups
Who wouldn’t want that?


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