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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Freshmen at Large- Stephanie

I thought Christmas break would be the best thing ever. No more lectures, no more finals, no more creepy guys. I would live in an actual house. You know, with more than one bathroom and multiple seating options. When I first walked through the doors into my living room, I twitched slightly due to the expansive windows, wood floors and tall ceilings. It was almost too good to be true. There was so much space that I just wanted to run in circles letting out all the energy I had pent up while living in a dorm. I could sing as loud as I wanted to that Carrie Underwood song about the guy who’s cheating on her without even a thought about my neighbors hearing me, much less knocking on my door and asking me to refrain from singing for the rest of my life. There I was, holding a laundry basket full of t-shirts, hair products and a lime green plastic cage for my hermit crab that I don’t think will ever die. I dropped everything on the living room floor and went straight to the couch.
When I woke up a few hours later, I came to a very obvious realization. I wasn’t in College Station anymore. If I wanted Pita Pit, I couldn’t get it. If I had the sudden urge to take pictures with the Sul Ross statue, I couldn’t do it. Even if I wanted to drag race down University, which I would never want to do anyway, I couldn’t. Of course all I’d have to do is get in my car and drive for an hour and I could get my pita, take some boring pictures and risk getting in a fatal accident, but I wanted instant gratification. Could it be that I actually missed College Station?
Yes. I did. So much that I began to miss things that I once hated seeing. For example, Blocker, the misshapen, stained building that I would rather fail my class than walk into. I missed the desk that nearly gave me scoliosis. I missed the coffee lady who always told me that she was sold out of blueberry muffins. I missed the bland walls covered in huge block-lettered posters for Fade to Black and Writer’s Club. I missed the streets and the random little buildings like The Kettle on University that I had never seen open. All these things that had once been unnoticed and even despised suddenly became sentimental to me. I know it’s crazy, but I love College Station.


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