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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Freshmen at Large - Stephanie Hodges

So I went to Baylor this weekend. Big Deal. So did everyone and their moms. What caused this mass exodus of marooned-out patrons? We went up to Waco to make sure our Ags beat the hell outta Baylor. First of all, Baylor has gotten this cute idea that they are somehow our rivals. It’s really adorable actually, to think that these kids who are paying $30,000 a year just to go to school want to compete with us. All around the campus, kids were sporting their “Beat A&M” shirts and giving evil looks to anyone in maroon. I guess being someone’s rival gives you the right to be blatantly rude and pretend that your school is actually decent in athletics. However, we are not, nor will we ever be, their rival.
Walking into Baylor’s stadium was the best feeling in the world. Maroon literally filled about half the stadium, which is pathetically small to begin with. Come on, one deck? What a joke. Sure, it looks like millions were put into it, but hey, here at A&M, we’re all about the spirit. Then, after an intense game including ridiculous calls and unbelievably rude remarks from Baylor fans, our Ags pulled through. Sic that, Baylor.


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