Perfect '10- Stephanie
In high school, the first day back after Christmas break was a huge deal. OK, so maybe it wasn’t as big as the first day back after summer, but it was pretty heavy stuff. I mean, come on, a new semester, a new lunch period, new classes, new clothes to wear to those classes, the list goes on and on. College, however, is completely different. You’d think the two “ice days” we were given would heighten the anticipation of starting classes, not so. I woke up for my 9:10 a.m. class, seriously considered not even going, and slowly rolled out of bed. The freshman voice inside me told me that I needed to look cute. Come on, it’s the first day back, and who knows who will be in my classes. Dressing cute actually did come in quite useful though, because on my way to class, I totally saw Antanas Kavaliauskas, and we had eye contact for a good five seconds.
So anyway, I walk into my first class of the day and realize that I am the only one not wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt. I wasn’t really dressed up — just jeans and a sweater (it was new, and I had to wear it) — but I felt like I was wearing a prom dress that went out of style 15 years ago. My hair was down while every other girl’s was up in a bun or ponytail. I sat down, trying to ignore the eyes following me, all screaming “freshman!”
I was late to my next class, so not only was I the dressed-up girl, I was the dressed-up, late girl who couldn’t find a seat and had to squeeze through a row of five people to sit down. So right then, I decided to become engrossed in my Oceanography syllabus, which I studied until the professor said we could leave.
By my third and last class of the day, being dressed up was the last thing on my mind. I was just ready to go back to my room, sleep, eat some carrots and watch “Pride and Prejudice.” I looked at my printed schedule to see where my last class was and there, under COMM 205, was BLOC 137. Blocker. My last class was in Blocker. Why? Of all buildings on campus, it had to be Blocker, the oddly-shaped, stained building with tiny classrooms and desks made for elementary kids. I had a class there last semester, and being the naïve freshman that I am, I assumed it would be my last. Little did I know that being a Liberal Arts major, Blocker would be the home for several of my future classes. As I sat in my miniature desk, comparing the room’s color and smell to my junior high school, I saw him. And by him, I mean the nicest looking guy I’ve ever seen in my entire life. He was walking towards the classroom. I found myself hoping he was a petroleum engineering major who played soccer and loved taking girls to nice restaurants. I have no clue what he would be doing in a communication class, but fate has a funny way of working. He seemed like a Ryan or maybe something really hot like Cole or Jake. I had almost completely decided on Cole when he stopped in front of the classroom. ‘This is it,’ I thought. ‘I’ll be telling this story of how we met for years to come.’ He looked in the room, then at the wall outside, and then onto a sheet of paper. He squinted, then looked up and continued walking down the hall. Lovely. Now I’m stuck in Blocker for 70 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday without the hottest boy alive to keep me occupied. Spring break is not going to come fast enough.
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