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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Perfect '10- Cristine

I always envisioned college as staying out until the wee hours of the night every night, watching concerts in the grass in the middle of campus, taking road trips every weekend and, of course, still doing well in school. Well, for a while there, none of this was going on. Last semester I studied during the week, was in bed by one, and took one trip to Austin (hiss) for the night. In the past week, I think I’ve finally felt like I was in college. It started with the giant anti-abortion petition. Students speaking out sounds like college to me. Second was the concert. I walked to the Memorial Student Center and was astonished to hear screaming coming from Rudder Fountain. Now, I dated a “screamer” once, so I’ve been to my fair share of screamo concerts. But for some reason, I never quite expected to hear it at A&M. Nonetheless, it made my day. What also made it great was the transition from screaming, to classical piano coming from inside the Flag Room. Perfect combination. And then I went on my first road trip. You see, I don’t think my parents really believed that I had friends at school. So, to prove to them that I was not in fact a social outcast, I decided to load up six of my best friends and take a road trip home. Never before has home-cooked food tasted so good and staying up playing “Mafia” been so fun. I’d say I want to take road trips all the time now, but the thing is, I’m kind of starting to grow attached to College Station. I know, I never thought it would happen.


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