Perfect '10- Stephanie
When I applied to be a Fish Camp counselor last month, I had no clue what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that I loved Fish Camp and I wanted a chance to be a part of it. I went to get my letter from Koldus on Monday, nervous that I would open the envelope and once again be disappointed, just like what happened with the Freshman Leadership Organization I applied for. I could see it: opening the envelope, unfolding the paper and seeing a big “NO” written on a blank sheet. Cool. However, I face my fears and open the envelope to find a picture of “Talladega Nights.” If this was a way of getting shot down, these people were sick. But luckily, it had a big “congratulations” at the top, so I wasn’t too worried.
It had two numbers on the paper, but I kind of ignored them, not knowing what they meant. Later I found out that they were my co-chair’s numbers, and I needed to call them. Oops. So I called them, which was pretty interesting. It wasn’t just a little check-in with them asking me if I was excited and making sure I was coming to the revelation Thursday night; they actually had a conversation with me. They asked about my day, what test I was taking, if I liked that class, what I was wearing to Revelation, etc. I couldn’t believe that I had never even seen these people before, yet they were so excited about talking to me and interested in getting to know me.
Later that day at my sorority meeting, my friends who got Fish Camp were all talking about how cool their camp was, and who was in them. I felt a little out of it, because as far as I was concerned, the only person I knew in my camp was me. Then I found out that people had been making Facebook groups all day, trying to find their fellow camp counselors by posting their co-chair’s phone numbers. As soon as I got home and looked through the endless list of phone numbers until I found mine. I joined the group and five minutes later, I had five friend requests. An hour later I had three more, along with two wall posts. It was insane. I had never met these people in my life, and they were messaging me, IMing me, texting me, and asking if I could hang out. I haven’t even seen them yet, but I already felt close to them. When I applied, I never thought I would be making plans to go to dinner with a group of people I had never seen, but I guess that’s what makes Fish Camp so unique.
dear stephanie,
brittany has left her computer on, therefore I, william the third, shall comment on this piece of sh*& blag. And i call it a blag because, well, in all honesty its gay.
your dearest friend and mentor,
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