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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Perfect '10- Cristine

So Valentine’s Day may have been over a week ago, but the effects of this depressing holiday are far from over. It seems like every spring, ooey-gooey couples are making out everywhere. I mean seriously, I never believed anyone who said Texas A&M is a breeding ground for couples. But now, oh, I know it’s true. If you think about it, a lot of our traditions do have to do with making out. I mean, we “mug down” before football games only to “score when the Ags score” at the actual game. Now, that’s just asking for some relationships there. Every week during football season, it basically gives any guy a reason to ask a girl out on Friday. And who can forget the Century Tree; a fun thing to do is to hang out near the Academic Plaza — Bolton Hall is my favorite as a typical communication major — and watch people start to walk under the tree and then freak out and turn back around to make sure they walk completely around it. I can make fun of this only because I have totally committed this act, on multiple occasions. But the point is it’s the springtime, so that combined with the “couple spirit” in the air here is sure to provide for plenty of infant couples in the upcoming weeks. Not that I’m complaining or bitter in any way; single life is great at A&M. I mean seriously, we pretty much have the best-looking Texas boys … and I’m probably going to regret saying that.


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