Freshmen at Large - Cristine Mayer Pt. 5
So the time had come: my first weekend to leave the great city of College Station.
Now, you may be thinking, “This girl is already leaving? School just started!” But trust me, four weeks can seem like an eternity.
It began in the city of another university, t.u to be exact (hissss), as I set out to see the wonderful musician Sufjan Stevens. Let me just say, walking down a street in Austin after being in College Station for a month is a bit of a scenery change.
Yes, Austin may have some great music, but the down-home feel of good ‘ol CS far surpasses any concert. I found myself walking down the streets wondering why no one was saying “howdy.” I even got a bit confused and wondered where all the Corps guys went (it was weird not seeing those tan uniforms). If anything, being near t.u. made me love the friendliness and family-feel of Texas A&M even more.
The second leg of my weekend away from CS was a stop back home for a night. Everyone always says going home is one of the weirdest experiences you’ll have, but I never believed them. Of course, they were right. It was great to sleep in my own bed and enjoy a nice dinner out with the family, but I soon began to realize that that’s not where my life is right now. My life is in College Station.
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