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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Perfect '10- Stephanie

I’ve been sick for the past few days. It hasn’t been too bad, just the typical coughing-like-a-hardcore-smoker deal that comes every time the weather changes. What made it worse, though, was the fact that I went to the Randy Rogers concert on Wednesday, and I can’t really hear out of my right ear anymore. Because I couldn’t stop coughing and every time someone talked to me I had to nod and act like I heard them, I decided to take a trip to the mall to cheer myself up. I promised myself I wouldn’t buy anything, because I only had $13.27 in my bank account, and I needed it in case of an emergency. I don’t know what kind of an emergency would require $13.27 — maybe some jewelry from Charming Charlie for girl’s night — but anyway, I needed to save it.
So I start walking around. I’m not even tempted to buy anything because all I see is Spencer’s — definitely not my type of store — and The Cookie Factory, which I easily avoided by remembering that I was giving up sugar until the Austin Half Marathon (I broke that this morning, though). Then, I went to the Puppy Store because, hello, who goes to the mall without going to go see the puppies? After that, I made my way to the food court, because I was craving sweet tea. OK, I said I wouldn’t spend anything, but it’s sweet tea; $1.07 was hardly anything to ask. So I get my tea and start walking toward Journey’s. I was just going to browse, of course.
As I walk out of Journey’s, I see Wet Seal out of the corner of my eye. Normally, Wet Seal doesn’t even really interest me, but today was different. Their new spring collection was out. The store was covered in bright yellows and greens, cheap tank tops and those dresses you wear with leggings. I was screwed. How on earth was I going to leave this store without making at least one purchase? I would leave the mall knowing that had I pushed out just a little cash, I would be a much happier, not to mention, cuter girl. I looked through the racks, trying to convince myself that everything was hideous and buying any of it would be a total and complete waste of my dwindling cash, but to no avail. $12 later, I walked out with my blue Wet Seal bag and a smile on my face. I guess you could say it was my Friday gift to myself. After all, I was sick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhhh... I think I just threw up.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

honestly...who cares?

3:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto....and i for one can do just fine at the mall without stopping by the puppy store

9:53 PM  

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