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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Perfect '10- Stephanie

I love how it takes me three quarters of the year to discover things on campus that I could have been enjoying all year. It seems everyday I find something new, fall in love with it and then get depressed thinking about how pathetic my life was before I found it. For example, I never really liked the smoothies sold around campus, but a few weeks ago I tried the Simply Strawberry, and I became obsessed. Then, only yesterday I found out that I can add blueberries to the already amazing smoothie I had been getting. It was like discovering that heaven is sold in plastic cups for $4.10.
Another amazing discovery was the Student Computing Center. I never knew that student fees included a couple hundred pages of printing. Ever since I found that out, I’ve been living at the SCC. I can print the endless amount of pages required for my five classes, check Facebook and study all at the same time. I guess I could do that in my dorm room too, but space would be limited, and come on, that would just be anti-social.
The last discovery has to be my favorite: the 12th Man Cafeteria. Wow. That’s all I can say. Living off-campus, I don’t get to eat on campus that often unless I want to dish out over $7 anytime I eat. About two weeks ago, my friend Alli took me to the 12th Man, and at first, I was less than impressed. It seemed a little sketchy big, rolling chairs, dim lighting and Corps boys. However, after I got my chicken fingers, mashed potatoes and Aggie roll, everything changed. It was just like Luby’s, and I guess that might turn a lot of people off, but I love Luby’s. Maybe I should be embarrassed to admit that because it’s known as an ‘old person cafeteria,’ but what can I say, I love it. I then realized how deprived I had been: a whole semester and a half without those massive, wheely chairs and Luby’s-style cuisine. I know it’s cliché, but my life had been dark and gray, and now I have found the light.


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