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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Freshmen at Large - Stephanie Hodges Pt. 5

After this weekend, my understanding of my true Aggie duty has been slightly altered. I’ve realized that the12th Man is no fair-weather team player who uses gas prices as an excuse to miss the game, but rather a key ingredient to Aggie football success.
Due to an overflow of “to-do’s,” including doctor appointments, hair appointments and family dinners, I went back to my hometown this weekend. After all, there wasn’t a home game, so I thought it would be a good chance to have all the luxuries of home without worrying about missing all the fun Aggieland has to offer on the weekend.
So I drove home, got some shopping done, slept in my own room and got some quality time with the family. Up until around 7:38 on Saturday night, I had all but forgotten about my Aggie duties. Then, it dawned on me.
As my mom and I were eating at Macaroni Grill, I looked at her in the face and sternly informed her of the rapidly approaching game that would be on TV. I really don’t know what had come over me. I was suddenly filled with the ardent desire to watch Jorvorskie Lane and Stephen McGee BTHO Army. There really was no logical explanation.
I hurried home and found my dad on the couch, watching the precious beginning moments of the game. The War Hymn played faintly in the background, only discernible by the random outbursts of “sounds like hell!” I sat enamored in front of the TV. These were my Ags, and I was going to be the 12th Man, even if I was 200 miles away from the Alamodome.
So maybe the cheers from my living room and the severe vocalization of my dislike towards the biased commentator were not heard out on the field, but I’d like to think my support for the team was felt.


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