Freshmen at Large - Stephanie Hodges
I never realized how obsessed people get with their TV shows until I got to college. Now it seems like everyone is jetting out of meetings early so they can get home in time to catch “Grey’s Anatomy,” “One Tree Hill” or “Lost.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for living your life through 30-year olds pretending to be 17 and ex-models dressed up as heart surgeons, but this is just a little too obsessive.
Don’t even get me started on all the high school dramas. Okay, I admit it, I watch “One Tree Hill” pretty frequently, but I don’t know why. I think something illegal is put over the television waves that makes us actually think we care about the fact that the ex-pregnant cheerleader is trying to break the married high school couple apart before the big basketball championship.
Oh, “Laguna Beach.” Wow. How could I forget? I mean come on, who wouldn’t want to follow around loaded SoCal girls and guys who have nothing to do but break up with each other over and over again? It’s a whole new kind of TV show because it’s “real,” which makes the conversations even more awkward than if they were scripted.
The one show that is probably the most ridiculous is “House, M.D.” The doctor is not nearly as attractive as anyone, male or female, in “Grey’s Anatomy,” and he compensates by being overly sarcastic. He uses lines like, “Yeah, could you please stop referring to your wife as a ‘her,’ because she’s a man, in case you didn’t know,” and “Sorry, Mrs. Smith, but if you weren’t so busy overdosing and beating your kids, your body wouldn’t be destroying itself.” I also love how he never wears doctor equipment and just hobbles on his cane from the patient’s room to his little private room.
Being college students, I guess a healthy amount of drama is a good thing, but come on; sometimes you’ve just got to laugh at it.
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