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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Freshmen at Large - Cristine Mayer

Football games are fun. In fact, football games are great, and when your parents, siblings, grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousin all come down to see a Fightin’ Texas Aggie football game, well, that’s just icing on the cake. What’s not so great is when you bring your family who are all Tech or t.u. fans to a fightin’ Texas Aggie football game.
Now, let me just make sure I’m making it perfectly clear that having family come and visit is one of my favorite things, and I highly enjoy it. But, in a close game like Saturday’s, having Tech fans sitting two seats down from you is just never fun. But then I got to thinking: what’s with the rivalry? The Big 12 has become a pre-teen locker room. We don’t like t.u. but t.u. doesn’t like OU. Tech doesn’t like us and Baylor, well, Baylor just wishes that they could hate someone or be hated. But I guess all in all, it makes for great, fun rivalry. We joke about the fact that my grandmother’s rearview window is taken up by A&M, Tech and Texas stickers.
All in all, being around different types of fans and experiencing what it’s like to be at a game other than an A&M game makes you realize why being an Aggie is so awesome. And although the loss was disappointing to say the least, I’m glad to see that the true Aggies stayed true to their roots and didn’t seem to start any (noticeable) fights. But next year … it’s on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article! You are such a great writer.

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OSU hates OU. OU doesn't really care.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much of that sounded sort of familiar.

2:06 PM  

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