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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Freshmen at Large - Cristine Mayer

Before I got to A&M, the one thing I kept hearing over and over was the fact that you should carry an umbrella wherever you go because College Station weather is crazy. So that’s precisely what I do. I carry my mini-umbrella in my backpack, just in case there is a random shower. Now, mini-umbrellas may be great for showers, but torrential downpours during a tornado watch? Not so much. I casually walked out of the MSC Flag Room around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, ready to go, only to look outside at the wonderful wrath of rain that awaited me. Thinking I was smart, I went to the bookstore and bought some Crocs (something I swore to myself I’d never own) and I was on my way; clad in khaki capris, pink crocs, a blazer rain jacket and the mini-umbrella. As I made my way from the MSC to Richardson, let me tell you, I found myself a little upset at the fact that I hadn’t thought to bring a tube to float down the rushing water by the Trigon. Every way I turned, there seemed to be a waterfall or an extreme lazy river being created. Fifteen minutes later, I arrived, soaked from head to toe, but hey, at least I had my cute umbrella. Which is now in the trash. Lesson learned: buy a golf umbrella.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another great story, I would sure like to meet you! I bet you look as great as you write which has got to be great!
Your secret admirer

3:36 PM  

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