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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Perfect '10- Stephanie

Even though it’s still semi-cold outside, and February isn’t even over yet, the thing that seems to be on all college students’ minds is their summer plans. Being a freshman, I was totally unaware of the vast opportunities available to students during the summer. I was just planning on taking a few classes, working a little and spending most of my summer in Spain. I hadn’t even thought about doing anything else. I sometimes overheard my friends talking about applying for camps and other things for the summer, but I didn’t pay much attention because I’ve had my plans made ever since I got back from Spain last summer.
However, I got a terrible phone call the other day. The girl I was planning on going to Spain with this summer called to tell me that the missionaries we were planning on staying with wouldn’t be in Spain during July, which is the only time we could go. I had no idea what to do. There was no way I was staying home all summer, and thinking about not being able to go back to Spain on a mission trip this summer completely depressed me.
The next day, I was walking through the Memorial Student Center for a Fish Camp interview, and the whole MSC was full of booths with tons of information on summer camps. The Flag Room was lined with students holding colorful sheets of paper, wandering from booth to booth. I normally would have ignored the crowd, especially since I had my summer planned out, but due to my heartbreaking phone call the night before, I was pretty desperate for some summer plans. I was so overwhelmed; I didn’t know what to do. I prayed that something would just fall in my lap, because I was too stressed to look through every booth trying to find the perfect camp to apply for. I saw a SeaWorld booth, and the 5-year-old ‘I-love-dolphins’ feeling came back, but after finding out that it would be all summer and feeding animals was included, I slipped away from the booth. But as I was leaving, someone grabbed me and asked if I had heard of their camp. I was pretty surprised, because I had heard a lot about it. Three of my friends had jobs there for this summer, and they were absolutely obsessed with it. They interviewed me, and I fell in love with it. They also told me that they had just hired my roommate that morning for next year.
I’m still waiting to hear back from the camp, but I just thought it was so amazing how I went from total disappointment about not being able to go to Spain, to a new excitement in working with a completely different situation: a camp in Van, Texas. It just made me realize that God works in really weird ways, but somehow, it always works out.


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