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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Perfect '10-Cristine

I have to say that campaign week was the worst, best experience of my life. Between never being able to go to class and constantly having to beg people to hold banners, I felt like I had never been in such an annoyingly pushy position before in my life. I learned who I could count on, and who — well, not so much. But that was the worst part. I would never go back and change anything about the past two weeks, because it was an experience I will never forget. If you’re running a campaign, you’re basically on the same schedule as everyone else running a campaign. With that said, let’s just say I’ve had some fun times with every candidate of almost every position. I’ve probably heard everyone’s speech about five times each, but that’s OK. Probably one of the best moments of the week was Wednesday night. We were all rushing to speak at the million meetings that night, and somehow all got stuck on the second floor of Rudder. I’m talking three yell leader campaigns, probably two SBP campaigns and some random people thrown in, too. Well, someone got the great idea to go up those itty-bitty stairs outside Rudder. So all 30 of us pile into those stairs and work our way to the top. Imagine 30 people dressed in business attire trekking up back stairwells, only to find out every door was locked. We laughed and went down. The other great memory was a bittersweet one. After some other meeting last Thursday, I ran into a good friend running for SBP, another friend running for yell and five great guys also running for yell. We sat outside at Rudder Fountain to take a breath, then headed inside Rumours to watch a very upsetting Aggie basketball game. But despite the sad loss, what was amazing was the genuinely sincere and kind attitude the opposing candidates had for each other. Everyone seemed to be watching out for each other, but more importantly cheered on their Aggies together. So there we sat — five different campaigns, all together, all joined by one driving force.


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