Freshmen at Large - Cristine Mayer Pt. 2
Ten howdys and only one map check later, I finally made it to my History 105 class. And when I say I made it, I mean I really made it. Twenty minutes early, to be exact.
When you have to leave your dorm at 8:15 a.m., it’s not much of an incentive to arrive early. But that gleaming, front row, center seat — now, that’s incentive. It seems that most people strive for the back row — the row that allows you to doze off unnoticed or to finish reading that last section of your text that you didn’t finish last night.
But not me. Nope. Sophomore year of high school, on my last day of class, my AP World History teacher, Mr. Rowland, gave a speech on the importance of sitting front and center to show participation and general interest. I never thought I would ever think about his speech again, but here I am, three years later.
Besides being extra early and having awesomely close seating, the main excitement of my day came from all the “howdys” I received. Now, I know what a boot chaser is and, let me clarify, I am not one. But every time another Aggie says “howdy” to me, it just makes my day that much better. Seeing the corps cadets all over campus and hearing all their howdys just made me feel that much more proud. And for all those 2 percenters out there, please just say “howdy” for goodness sake.
Personally, I thought the first few days of class would be the beginning of an emotional breakdown for me. But it was all but that. Everyone was friendly and not one of my professors seemed unwilling to help their students succeed. While study time will be a must, a good GPR is not something unreachable. I’m almost excited about going to class, since they all seem like good freshmen courses. All in all, I think this will be a good first semester here as an Aggie, and I can’t wait for my first Midnight Yell, Fightin’ Texas Aggie football game and, of course, learning.