Perfect '10-Stephanie
It is truly amazing how much I can distract myself when I should be studying. Whether it’s Facebook, crush parties, coffee, cupcakes or Halo, I can always find something to keep me away from the books.
This has been the week from hell, when it comes to academics. Honestly, I have never felt so overloaded with information in my life. My schedule was literally wake up, study, class, study, lunch, study, class, study, dinner, study, meeting and study. Of course, I never actually followed that schedule. My last test of the week was on Thursday, and I didn’t even start studying until Wednesday night due to the fact that I had been studying for my Tuesday and Wednesday tests the nights before. So, it’s about 8:30 p.m. I’d eaten dinner and taken a shower, two things that I normally use to delay studying for a few hours. I get back to my room and start getting my books and notes together so I can leave for Sweet Eugene’s. I check Facebook because — well, I hadn’t checked it since 3 p.m.. So, I get on, only to find I have four messages and two friend requests, one of which was a girl I hadn’t seen in four years. Wow! I had to write on her wall. I mean come on, it would be rude not to. So I finish that, and about 30 minutes later, I leave for Sweet’s.
I get there only to find that there are no empty seats. Of course there’s a couch here and there with a little space, but how awkward would that be to walk up and be like, “Hey, can I cuddle with you?” That’s basically what would happen, because we’d be so close. So I decide to leave, and I call my friend Carly who is the best studier I’ve ever met. She’d have to know of some good places.
An hour later, I’m in Carly’s room, eating my fourth cookie and dancing to ’NSync. So finally, we leave to go study. We stop by It’s A Grind first, because you can’t study without coffee. Duh. Then we pull up at The Hampton Hotel, and Carly starts getting out. What? She then informs me that studying at hotels was the new cool thing to do because you get free coffee and it’s never crowded. So we go in, and I attempt to study. There’s a really sweet girl in there with the cutest hat, so I start talking to her about where she got it, and then we start having a conversation about how great Target is and how we need to go shopping. No, stop, focus! I try to start studying my notes, but I feel like my brain has already absorbed so much that I just can’t take anymore in. So, my friend Kelsey calls me, and asks if I want to go to the E-2 crush party. Sweet! I almost forgot! So, I tell her to come pick me up — she is a little worried about me because she’s coming to get me from a hotel — and we drive back to our dorm.
Because it’s already 11 p.m., we decide to just skip the crush party and go get the free coffee and cupcakes that our dorm was having for a Relay for Life fundraiser. Of course they weren’t actually free, so we had to go to an ATM to get some money for a donation. We finally get to the dorm’s little café, sit down, and pull out our notes. But, wait! There’s Vanessa! Let’s go talk to her!
The three of us leave the café about 30 minutes later to go play Wii tennis with our friend KC. One game turned into six, not to mention 20 minutes of watching YouTube videos.
I finally get back to my room at 1 a.m., and I know nothing more about history than I did at 8 p.m. Great. Looks like I won’t be getting any sleep tonight.
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