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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Freshmen at Large - Cristine Mayer

People always warned me that it rains in College Station about 75 percent of the time. It wasn’t until Saturday, though, that I really believed it.
The day started out normally. I arrived home from a Kappa Alpha Theta retreat about midday and studied until it was time to BTHO Louisiana Tech!
My two fellow Theta friends, Jenna and Julie, stopped by my room around 5:30 p.m. to begin our trek to the semi-distant place of glory that is Kyle Field. Upon arriving, we were faced with the usual mass of marooned-out fans. But today there was a different kind of 12th Man looming about: a torrential storm.
We were literally the last people let into the gates before they made all the stragglers take shelter in the MSC. Poor Jenna got left behind in the rush however, and it took some serious convincing for them to let her in for our reunion. The next 20-30 minutes were spent on the third deck standing, waiting and wondering whether the game would go on and whether weather would really prove to be a blockade to the true spirit of Fightin’ Texas Aggie football. But after a bit of time had passed and the sky went nearly black, it was determined that it was time to take shelter. Making it down safely to the first deck, the rain hit all of a sudden. And it hit hard. But where were we to go? Luckily, at that exact moment, we got caught up with the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band. Assuming that the band knows all and would obviously find the best shelter, we quickly followed the procession of tan uniforms and brass into good ‘ole G. Rollie. There we spent the remainder of our venture, taking pictures with random instruments and enjoying the purely comical aspects of the night’s festivities. All in all, we took the two-percenter approach and sought shelter around 7:20 p.m., only to find out later that the game did go on, of course resulting in a Fightin’ Texas Aggie victory over La. Tech despite the inclement weather. I say that deserves a big “Gig ’em” and a “Whoop” from all those that can. But for now “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” is just what it’s going to have to be.


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