Perfect '10 - Cristine
Alright so, I’m not even going to lie. I thought my Fish Camp counselors and friends who applied for co-chair were crazy people. I mean, I liked all my organizations and Fish Camp was fun, but seriously, how could anyone possibly be that obsessed? Yeah, so that was me up until March when I found out I made Fish Camp and was now a part of Camp Capps, where I met my 26 new best friends. To put it simply, Camp Capps is now my life. I sleep (dreaming of) Camp Capps, I eat (with) Camp Capps and I think Camp Capps. The reason for all the obsession is obviously that I was lucky enough to be a part of the most amazing camp ever. My co-chairs are the definition of crazy-fun, my Discussion Group partner is an official linebacker by association, and our namesake — the one and only Cathy Capps — is ultimately awesome. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still think my co-chairs are crazy, but crazy in an extremely awesome way. Between stalking people on campus at 2 a.m. during an intense game of “Mafia” and being together every night of the week, I think it’s safe to say the line of obsession has been crossed. And I am more than OK with that. I absolutely love every moment I spend with my camp, and my brain has gotten so used to aqua-colored things that no matter where I am, if I see something aqua, I immediately walk to it and check the price tag. Underwear, oven mitts, baseball bats, WHO CARES — it’s aqua! And with that said, so begins the Fish Camp obsession.