Perfect '10- Cristine
All right, so lets just face it: food is a very important part of a college student’s day. Most people plan their schedule accordingly so that they can miss the meals they know they can get by without, or so they never miss a meal. I, on the other hand, am unable to make a schedule that does not directly conflict with lunch. My first day of classes this semester, I was entirely excited because I thought I had two hours to run my errands, get my books and sit down for lunch at my favorite mealtime location: the Class Center, home of the new batch of entirely outgoing friends I’d made throughout the first semester. Wrong. Halfway through my turkey sandwich, and just beginning a slightly sarcastic story with my friends, I checked my schedule nonchalantly, just to make sure I knew where I would be going. Then I realized my class did not start at 1:15 today. Oh no, it started at 12:45. It was now 12:42. Now, most people would probably shrug it off and either go late, or just go on Tuesday. I however, have this slight obsession with not missing class; one that I’ve been told will lessen as my years at A&M dwindle. Nonetheless, I stopped everything, and bolted out the door. Never had I been more thankful for the short distance between G. Rollie and the MSC than I was that day. In a minute and a half I was in the doors of G. Rollie, thinking I was in the clear. Wrong again. G. Rollie should be called the Great Maze. Who knew to get to a second floor classroom you had to go up a flight of stairs, walk, and then go down another set? And that was my first, true freshmen moment this year; that is until I ran into about three upperclassmen, looking for the exact same room.